2022 Freedive Spearfishing State Championship

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(Saturday, October 22, 2022, 3900 W Bay Dr, Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770)The Florida Skin Divers Association invites all Freedive spearfishermen and women to participate in the competition and camaraderie of the “2022 FSDA Freedive Spearfishing State Championship.†This one-day tournament will be held at Belleair boat ramp park, 3900 W Bay Dr, Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770 on Saturday, October 22, 2022. Recognition will be given at both team and individual levels based upon an aggregate point system. Additional recognition will be given to the individual turning in the single largest fish of the tournament.
2022 State Spearfishing Championship Agenda / Rules:
This Tournament will be a one-day tournament held on Saturday, October 22, 2022 at The Belleair Boat Ramp underpass. The Rain Date/ Small Craft Advisory date for this tournament will be Sunday, October 23, 2022. Determination will be made after the Thursday, 5:00 PM forecast, and will be posted on the FSDA Facebook page. A final determination may be made at Saturday AM in the event of unsafe conditions.
1. Pre-Registration is $195 (Per FSDA or Guest team) for Men's teams (3 divers) and $130 for Mixed/Women's teams (2 divers- any combination of Junior, Women and no more than one adult male). Teams must be registered online via eventbrite.com https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-state-freedive-spearfishing-championship-mens-and-mixedwomens-tickets-421410609477 by midnight October 21, 2022 or postmarked by October 14, 2022 for mail in registrations (mailed to FSDA chair, 1410 Alhambra Dr, Apollo Beach, FL, 33572). There will be no registration the day of event at the Belleaire boat ramp.
Please note that there will be absolutely no refunds. Personal information (phone, Email) etc. is only for use internally by the FSDA for safety reasons. I am over the age of 18. If not, my entry in this tournament is authorized in writing by my legal guardian. I hereby acknowledge that if weather conditions turn to small craft advisories or small craft warnings, it is my responsibility to monitor weather radio and seek safe harbor if conditions warrant. I understand that the FSDA may use photographs of myself or my fish to promote spearfishing and this tournament and I agree to allow said use without compensation. I will read the rules of the tournament and I agree to abide by these rules. I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the dangers involved in boating, breath hold diving, and spearfishing. I am aware that these activities require physical exertion and stress. I am aware that the boat captain is responsible for the safe operation of the boat and the safety of the passengers therein. I am participating in these activities with the full knowledge of and the acceptance of all the risks these activities entail and the dangers involved. I am voluntarily participating in this tournament. I willingly agree to accept the risk of injury, disability, physical and/or emotional suffering, property damage or death to others or myself. I agree that I, my survivors, beneficiaries, heirs or personal representatives, will not and may not seek any compensation, damages, legal costs or expenses, including attorney fees, from the, Florida Skin Divers Association (FSDA), the FSDA officers, the FSDA member dive clubs, the dive club officers, their members, or any FSDA individual members, all FSDA volunteers, WCC clubs and any and all sponsors and advertisers of this tournament for any injury, property damage, or death, suffered by myself or others as a result of my participation in this spearfishing tournament.
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(Saturday, October 22, 2022, 3900 W Bay Dr, Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770)The Florida Skin Divers Association invites all Freedive spearfishermen and women to participate in the competition and camaraderie of the “2022 FSDA Freedive Spearfishing State Championship.†This one-day tournament will be held at Belleair boat ramp park, 3900 W Bay Dr, Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770 on Saturday, October 22, 2022. Recognition will be given at both team and individual levels based upon an aggregate point system. Additional recognition will be given to the individual turning in the single largest fish of the tournament.
2022 State Spearfishing Championship Agenda / Rules:
This Tournament will be a one-day tournament held on Saturday, October 22, 2022 at The Belleair Boat Ramp underpass. The Rain Date/ Small Craft Advisory date for this tournament will be Sunday, October 23, 2022. Determination will be made after the Thursday, 5:00 PM forecast, and will be posted on the FSDA Facebook page. A final determination may be made at Saturday AM in the event of unsafe conditions.
1. Pre-Registration is $195 (Per FSDA or Guest team) for Men's teams (3 divers) and $130 for Mixed/Women's teams (2 divers- any combination of Junior, Women and no more than one adult male). Teams must be registered online via eventbrite.com https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-state-freedive-spearfishing-championship-mens-and-mixedwomens-tickets-421410609477 by midnight October 21, 2022 or postmarked by October 14, 2022 for mail in registrations (mailed to FSDA chair, 1410 Alhambra Dr, Apollo Beach, FL, 33572). There will be no registration the day of event at the Belleaire boat ramp.
2. Men's Teams are comprised of three divers. Mixed/Women's teams are comprised of two divers- no more than one diver from a mixed team may be an adult male over the age of 18. Junior divers (ages 13-17) must be accompanied by an adult in water at all times. Teams competing can include guest teams from other councils, but only FSDA team members may represent The Florida Skin Divers Association at the National Freedive Championships held for that year or the following yeaar.
3. No diving limits. Teams may dive anywhere in the Gulf of Mexico, as long as they return to the Belleair boat ramp by 4:45 pm weigh-in line cut-off. All fish must be in the weigh-in line by 4:45pm. Boats may leave from any Gulf ramp or dock. Saturday morning a virtual "roll call" will be held via text at 7:30am. A time and date authenticated video of the entire team at their dock or ramp at 7:30am on the morning of the tournament must be sent via text to tournament chair Bill Van Deman (317-412-2626 cell) between 7:30 -7:35am Saturday morning. Instruction for the video to verify the time and date authenticity of the "Roll Call" video will be sent to team captains via text Friday night and posted on Facebook event page.
4. Teams may use GPS and Depth Recorders.
5. No Power Heads, chum or bait may be used.
6. Any team may register online at eventbrite.com https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-state-freedive-spearfishing-championship-mens-and-mixedwomens-tickets-421410609477 by midnight October 21. There is no registration at the boat ramp. .
7. All competitors must possess and be ready to present a valid State of Florida Fishing License to compete in the competition.
8. All Divers and Captains are Required to submit a video "roll call" via text to 317-412-2626 cell at 7:30-7:35 am on the morning of the tournament. Teams that leave prior to 7:30am the day of the tournament or who do not follow time and date authentication instructions for the 7:30 "Roll Call" video text will not be eligible for participation.
9. This Tournament will start at 7:30 AM via virtual "Roll Call" and end at 4:45PM. After 7:30AM boats may safely leave the dock after receiving receipt verification of their video "roll call" text.
10. All competitors and fish must be in weigh-in line by the 4:45 PM cut off time.
11. Boats are the sole responsibility of each team. Breakdowns of any type are no excuse for not returning to the dock in time for the 4:45 PM cut off. Any competitor that arrives at the weigh-in line after 4:45 PM cut-off will be disqualified.
12. All fish belong to the competitors.
13. Awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place teams and individuals overall, as well as an award to the individual turning in the largest fish overall. All awards will be presented following the weigh-in.
14. Eligible fish categories, sizes and maximum per diver are as follows:
• Black or Gag Grouper- 25 inches overall – two per diver
• Red Grouper – 21 inches overall – one per diver.
• Scamp Grouper – 17 inches overall – one per diver.
• Mangrove/Yellowtail/Cubera Snapper – 13 inches overall– five per diver.
• Hogfish – 15 inches to the fork of the tail – five per diver.
• Grey Grunt – 13 inches overall – five per diver
• Sheepshead – 13 inches overall – eight per diver.
• Flounder – 15 inches overall – five per diver.
• Spanish Mackerel – 13 inches to the fork of the tail – five per diver.
• Cobia – 34 inches to the fork of the tail – one per diver, max of 2 cobia per boat.
• King Mackerel – 25 inches to the fork of the tail – two per diver.
Red Snapper- 17 inches overall- 2 per harvester included in 5 snapper aggregate (see latest FWC rules)
Legal jack or Barracuda- 16 inches to the fork (amberjack are 34 inches to the fork, if open) - one per diver.
Note: Legal jack includes Permit and African Pompano-maximum of 2 total per boat (Federal waters only).
Red Snapper- 17 inches overall- 2 per harvester may be included in 5 snapper aggregate if open
See latest FWC rules for any closures. All state and federal rules apply.15. A total of 20 fish from the eligible fish categories may be turned in per diver. Each divers catch will be measured / weighed separately, and must be on an individual fish stringer, when presented to the weigh master’s station.
16. If a diver turns more than 20 fish to the weigh-in station, the largest fish will be disallowed until only 20 fish remain. Also, if the total counts in any fish category is in excess of state bag limits, the diver and his/her catch will be disqualified. In the event that a boat limit is exceeded, the team and their catch will be disqualified. Any infraction of any Florida State Law, will also result in disqualification.
17. No swapping of fish between competitors and team members is allowed.
18. Fish must be in fresh iced condition when presented to the weighmaster.
19. The scoring for the event will be calculated as follows: one point per pound, and one point per fish, 21 total points maximum per any one fish turned in. Examples: 8 pound fish = 8 points, plus 1 point, for a total of 9 points. A 32 lb fish = 20 points, plus 1 point, for 21 total points.
20. The Big Fish Competition will be calculated separately at the end of the weigh-in. Competitors wishing to enter their largest fish from the eligible fish categories may do so once all of the teams and individuals have weighed their days catch. Heaviest fish wins.
21. Disqualification: Violation of any State Laws, Unsportsmanlike conduct, or tournament rules may result in disqualification.
22. Protest: Any diver or boat driver, may file a protest with the tournament chairperson. A protest committee will be formed of The Team Captains of each team present. The tournament Chairperson will vote as a tie breaker if necessary. All decisions of this committee are final.
23. Observers are not required: This tournament is for honor. Be sure that you are deserved to be honored, and follow all of the rules.
24. There will be no refund of registration fees for any reason.
To register at the link you must agree to the following terms of REGISTRATION & WAIVER:
3. No diving limits. Teams may dive anywhere in the Gulf of Mexico, as long as they return to the Belleair boat ramp by 4:45 pm weigh-in line cut-off. All fish must be in the weigh-in line by 4:45pm. Boats may leave from any Gulf ramp or dock. Saturday morning a virtual "roll call" will be held via text at 7:30am. A time and date authenticated video of the entire team at their dock or ramp at 7:30am on the morning of the tournament must be sent via text to tournament chair Bill Van Deman (317-412-2626 cell) between 7:30 -7:35am Saturday morning. Instruction for the video to verify the time and date authenticity of the "Roll Call" video will be sent to team captains via text Friday night and posted on Facebook event page.
4. Teams may use GPS and Depth Recorders.
5. No Power Heads, chum or bait may be used.
6. Any team may register online at eventbrite.com https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-state-freedive-spearfishing-championship-mens-and-mixedwomens-tickets-421410609477 by midnight October 21. There is no registration at the boat ramp. .
7. All competitors must possess and be ready to present a valid State of Florida Fishing License to compete in the competition.
8. All Divers and Captains are Required to submit a video "roll call" via text to 317-412-2626 cell at 7:30-7:35 am on the morning of the tournament. Teams that leave prior to 7:30am the day of the tournament or who do not follow time and date authentication instructions for the 7:30 "Roll Call" video text will not be eligible for participation.
9. This Tournament will start at 7:30 AM via virtual "Roll Call" and end at 4:45PM. After 7:30AM boats may safely leave the dock after receiving receipt verification of their video "roll call" text.
10. All competitors and fish must be in weigh-in line by the 4:45 PM cut off time.
11. Boats are the sole responsibility of each team. Breakdowns of any type are no excuse for not returning to the dock in time for the 4:45 PM cut off. Any competitor that arrives at the weigh-in line after 4:45 PM cut-off will be disqualified.
12. All fish belong to the competitors.
13. Awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place teams and individuals overall, as well as an award to the individual turning in the largest fish overall. All awards will be presented following the weigh-in.
14. Eligible fish categories, sizes and maximum per diver are as follows:
• Black or Gag Grouper- 25 inches overall – two per diver
• Red Grouper – 21 inches overall – one per diver.
• Scamp Grouper – 17 inches overall – one per diver.
• Mangrove/Yellowtail/Cubera Snapper – 13 inches overall– five per diver.
• Hogfish – 15 inches to the fork of the tail – five per diver.
• Grey Grunt – 13 inches overall – five per diver
• Sheepshead – 13 inches overall – eight per diver.
• Flounder – 15 inches overall – five per diver.
• Spanish Mackerel – 13 inches to the fork of the tail – five per diver.
• Cobia – 34 inches to the fork of the tail – one per diver, max of 2 cobia per boat.
• King Mackerel – 25 inches to the fork of the tail – two per diver.
Red Snapper- 17 inches overall- 2 per harvester included in 5 snapper aggregate (see latest FWC rules)
Legal jack or Barracuda- 16 inches to the fork (amberjack are 34 inches to the fork, if open) - one per diver.
Note: Legal jack includes Permit and African Pompano-maximum of 2 total per boat (Federal waters only).
Red Snapper- 17 inches overall- 2 per harvester may be included in 5 snapper aggregate if open
See latest FWC rules for any closures. All state and federal rules apply.15. A total of 20 fish from the eligible fish categories may be turned in per diver. Each divers catch will be measured / weighed separately, and must be on an individual fish stringer, when presented to the weigh master’s station.
16. If a diver turns more than 20 fish to the weigh-in station, the largest fish will be disallowed until only 20 fish remain. Also, if the total counts in any fish category is in excess of state bag limits, the diver and his/her catch will be disqualified. In the event that a boat limit is exceeded, the team and their catch will be disqualified. Any infraction of any Florida State Law, will also result in disqualification.
17. No swapping of fish between competitors and team members is allowed.
18. Fish must be in fresh iced condition when presented to the weighmaster.
19. The scoring for the event will be calculated as follows: one point per pound, and one point per fish, 21 total points maximum per any one fish turned in. Examples: 8 pound fish = 8 points, plus 1 point, for a total of 9 points. A 32 lb fish = 20 points, plus 1 point, for 21 total points.
20. The Big Fish Competition will be calculated separately at the end of the weigh-in. Competitors wishing to enter their largest fish from the eligible fish categories may do so once all of the teams and individuals have weighed their days catch. Heaviest fish wins.
21. Disqualification: Violation of any State Laws, Unsportsmanlike conduct, or tournament rules may result in disqualification.
22. Protest: Any diver or boat driver, may file a protest with the tournament chairperson. A protest committee will be formed of The Team Captains of each team present. The tournament Chairperson will vote as a tie breaker if necessary. All decisions of this committee are final.
23. Observers are not required: This tournament is for honor. Be sure that you are deserved to be honored, and follow all of the rules.
24. There will be no refund of registration fees for any reason.
To register at the link you must agree to the following terms of REGISTRATION & WAIVER:
2022 FSDA Freedive Spearfishing State Championship
Please note that there will be absolutely no refunds. Personal information (phone, Email) etc. is only for use internally by the FSDA for safety reasons. I am over the age of 18. If not, my entry in this tournament is authorized in writing by my legal guardian. I hereby acknowledge that if weather conditions turn to small craft advisories or small craft warnings, it is my responsibility to monitor weather radio and seek safe harbor if conditions warrant. I understand that the FSDA may use photographs of myself or my fish to promote spearfishing and this tournament and I agree to allow said use without compensation. I will read the rules of the tournament and I agree to abide by these rules. I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the dangers involved in boating, breath hold diving, and spearfishing. I am aware that these activities require physical exertion and stress. I am aware that the boat captain is responsible for the safe operation of the boat and the safety of the passengers therein. I am participating in these activities with the full knowledge of and the acceptance of all the risks these activities entail and the dangers involved. I am voluntarily participating in this tournament. I willingly agree to accept the risk of injury, disability, physical and/or emotional suffering, property damage or death to others or myself. I agree that I, my survivors, beneficiaries, heirs or personal representatives, will not and may not seek any compensation, damages, legal costs or expenses, including attorney fees, from the, Florida Skin Divers Association (FSDA), the FSDA officers, the FSDA member dive clubs, the dive club officers, their members, or any FSDA individual members, all FSDA volunteers, WCC clubs and any and all sponsors and advertisers of this tournament for any injury, property damage, or death, suffered by myself or others as a result of my participation in this spearfishing tournament.
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