​FSDA would like to introduce our judges for this year's Contest

Sam Hodge is the president of the South Florida Underwater Photography Society (SFUPS). SFUPS members include some of the best underwater photographers that can be found in Florida.  Sam is very passionate about underwater photography and is excited to help expand UW photography and videography on the West Coast of Florida.  For more information on Sam and to view his photo gallery please check out the SFUPS website at  www.sfups.org/Galleries/SamHodge/index.html
Jose Debasa has a unbridled passion for photography. This passion grew during his teen years from photographing wildlife in the Everglades and other prominent landmarks around South Florida. Many times he wondered off into the swamp in search of the perfect close up shot of an alligator, snake, wood stork or other native species of Florida. Soon enough his passion for the ocean forced him to take the camera underwater. Jose is an avid freediver and has been able to capture some unbelievable underwater shots, all on a single breath of air. Jose has worked with many leading companies within watersports industry; apparel companies, fishing and dive charters, and others, to help promote and brand their venture.  Check out his website at www.josedebasaphotography.com ​
Aaron Chasse is an avid spear fisherman and owner of Speared Apparel with his wife, Janelle. Check out their products at www.spearedapparel.com.  Aaron is also part of the crew at SpearHeadsTV where he puts his video skills to good use filming their episodes.  Check out the YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/spearheadstv. Aaron has  finished his active duty time with the Air Force and continues to serve in the Florida Air National guard as a reservist, also dedicating time as a pilot transporting people to and from the Bahamas.
From an early age Craig Dietrich felt the need to express himself artistically. The first time he picked up a camera, he knew he had found the perfect outlet for his creativity and sparked what would become a life altering passion for photography. Craig served our country as a Naval photographer during both Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.  After the Navy, Craig learned to scuba dive and his passion for underwater photography was ignited.  Craig’s stunning images have won multiple awards and have been displayed & sold in galleries from coast to coast.  Craig's wish is to get others just as excited about underwater photography so they too can realize how important it is to preserve our most precious resource. Check out his images on his website at www.dietrichunderwater.com.  

Thanks all our judges for their time and effort!